Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 31st Rapture Watch!

(Note: Click on images for better fidelity)


If you haven’t already made your plans for the weekend, you're cordially invited to consider these upcoming events!

To those who know me as a business analyst, I’m also a student of history and biblical prophecy buff. That said, I wanted to share geo-political news feeds and Internet chatter that may be of interest to you.

Apparently, there’s a ground swell of interest developing in favor of a near-term (May) Pentecost rapture event. This theory is also combined with a confluence of Middle-East developments and scientific research data.

Taken together, a plausible case can be made for contemplation in advance, for better preparation. Provided below, please see a subset of the links that discuss the possible rapture of the Church by 5/31!

While I personally believe we’re within an 18-month window of a rapture event, this research is compelling:

Whether this is an accurate assessment of where we are in prophetic history remains to be seen. That said, every plausible estimate provides us another opportunity to assess individual readiness.

While only God knows the end from the beginning, reward awaits those who look for his appearing. In the final analysis, a choice is presented to us all: ride-out the coming storm or be party to the blessed hope.

In Him,

Roy Tanner


  1. ...

    Confirmado, Jarbas predisse: Jesus voltará em 2010

    Confirmed, Jarbas predicted: Jesus will return in 2010


  2. According to the grace of God

    Grace be with you, from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    You have known that Christ Jesus the Lord, shall return in 2018, according to scriptures. I pray that you will visit this site for more inspiration and insights unto the things to come:

    Grace be with you.

    God bless you.
